Question from the English : Email reading test

Emma is writing to David to discuss a security issue that has been identified in the recent deployment. She highlights a vulnerability in the new authentication module and plans a comprehensive security audit of the deployment. She also requests that David prioritize a review of the module and implement the necessary fixes as soon as possible.


What main points does Emma mention in her email to David?

From: Emma Svensson <[email protected]>
To: David Silva <[email protected]>
Subject: Security Issue with Recent Deployment

Hi David,

I hope you are doing well. I wanted to bring to your attention a security issue that has been identified in the recent deployment. It appears that the new authentication module has a vulnerability that could potentially be exploited to gain unauthorized access to our systems.

Could you please prioritize a review of the module and implement the necessary fixes as soon as possible? Additionally, we need to conduct a thorough security audit of the entire deployment to ensure there are no other vulnerabilities.

Let's discuss this in more detail during our meeting tomorrow at 10 AM. Please let me know if you need any additional resources or assistance from the security team.

Best regards,
Author: Damien CavaillèsStatus: PublishedQuestion passed 28 times
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