Question from the English : Email reading test

What is the percentage improvement in data processing speed after the server upgrade?

From: Oles Kowalski <[email protected]>
To: Jean Dupont <[email protected]>
Cc: IT Team <[email protected]>
Subject: Server Bay Upgrade

Hi Jean,

I wanted to share some exciting news from our datacenter in Warsaw. We have successfully added 2 TB of RAM to our cluster. This upgrade will significantly enhance our processing capabilities and allow us to handle larger workloads with greater efficiency.

Here are some key points:
1. The total RAM in our infrastructure is now 8 TB.
2. This upgrade has already improved our data processing speed by 15%.
3. We have also seen a 10% reduction in system latency during peak hours.

I believe this enhancement will provide a more stable and responsive environment for our applications. Let me know if you have any questions or need further details.


Which number indicates the improvement in data processing capability following the server upgrade?

Author: Damien CavaillèsStatus: PublishedQuestion passed 333 times
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