Test Introduction to RxJS

Test RxJS with answers to assess your knowledge and prepare for job interviews. Assess your technical level in 20 minutes.

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Test details

July 2024
17 minutes

RxJS is the ReactiveX implementation for JavaScript.

It was an implementation of the watcher pattern. After its development, later programming libraries were developed around major languages ​​such as .NET and JavaScript.

The ReactiveX project was originally started by Matthew Podwysocki and others as an independent open source project for Microsoft.

It was then quickly used by companies like Netflix with RxJava.

Currently the main maintainer of RxJS is Ben Lesh. (previously developer at Google and Netflix)

This test consists of 20 questions randomly selected from a database of 21 questions in RxJS.Discover all our interview questions and answers here
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Test author : Amine Boucham

Amine Boucham is an independent developer at MyLabz (Previously a developer for NGE-Connect), having discovered reactive programming during his first mission, he is trying to become an expert in this field.

This concept is not always clearly understood and its importance is underestimated so he tries to bring the benefits of using this programming paradigm in business.

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Sample question

I wana listen to an input field in order to offer auto-completion to my user.

const input = document.getElementById(id)

fromEvent(input, 'keydown').pipe(
   map(e => e.target.value)

By which operator can I replace ******* to avoid making an API call each time the user presses a key?

See 21 test questions.

Developers ratings

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Dongyue Wang
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parfois c'est pas clair veuillez switcher entre radio et checkbox pour les choix multiples et choix unique
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Benjamin Fenasse
Excellent test, questions interessantes et couvrant une grosse quantité de domaines du sujet
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manque d'analyse de senario reel et le prompte est quelque fois peu decrit donc on peut mql le comprendre
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Amine Boucham
See one error in the test (2 times the same code :/)