Question from the Algorithmics - Fundamentals test

Write an algorithm to check if a password is strong.


What is the result of this code?

        password  = “HelloTheDevs2022!”
        If password has less than 12 letters     
            display ''low security, attention imminent attack, it takes at least 12 letters and a capital letter'';
       Else if password has less than 12 lettres & at least 1      capital letter
            display ''the password is accepted'';
       Else if password has more than 12 letters & at least 1 capital letter & at least 1 number 
            display ''Strong security, sleep soundly''; 
            display ''Please note that the password must contain at least one capital letter to be validated.'';

Author: KahinaStatus: Published(Update)Question passed 550 times
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