Question from the Node.js test

Write a NodeJS program that fetches 3 movies from an API and logs their id and title.


Consider the following 2 functionsgetMovie andrun:

const Qajax = require('qajax');// Library based on Q, allowing to make promises in HTTP

// Returns an HTTP promise on the url as parameter
function getMovie(url) {
  return Qajax.getJSON(url);

// Start the generator as a parameter and get a promise
function run(generator) {
  var iterator = generator();

  function go(result) {
    result.value.then(function(value) {


What will happen when the following code is called:

run(function*() {
  let mov1 = yield getMovie('');//{id:1, title:'Back to the future'}
  let mov2 = yield getMovie('');//{id:2, title:'Matrix'}
  let mov3 = yield getMovie('');//{id:3, title:'Star Wars'}

  console.log(, mov1.title);
  console.log(, mov2.title);
  console.log(, mov3.title);
Author: Jean-marie CléryStatus: PublishedQuestion passed 835 times
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